Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Exam Graded - Passed!

That was quick. The exam must have been auto-graded (at least everything but the Essay). Got a "Congrats" e-mail, saying "Congratulations! The Admissions Committee of Western Governors University (WGU) is delighted to notify you of your provisional acceptance to WGU! ".

I now have to do a 20-30 mins "Intake Interview", finish getting them transcripts, and pay the tuition.

I have let Dave know I'd like to do it Thursday @ 5 PM EDT.

Going to follow up with LMC if I don't hear anything by tomorrow.

The only big question I have at this point is how much of my past class work will apply - I really want to just do the last two years (rather not take English Lit/History/etc yet again)

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